
I am a permanent CNRS research scientist (a.k.a. Chargé de Recherche), working in the IMAGE team at the GREYC Laboratory (UMR 6072), in Caen / France, since 2004.

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I'm the manager and main developer of these open-source software/libraries, dedicated to image processing:

G'MIC (GREYC's Magic for Image Computing)

G'MIC (GREYC's Magic for Image Computing)

G'MIC is a full-featured open-source framework for digital image processing, distributed under the CeCILL free software licenses (LGPL-like and/or GPL-compatible). It provides several user interfaces to convert / process / visualize generic image datasets, ranging from 1D scalar signals to 3D+t sequences of multi-spectral volumetric images, hence including 2D color images.

CImg (C++ Template Image Processing Library)

The CImg Library (C++ Template Image Processing Library)

The CImg Library is a small and open-source C++ toolkit for image processing. It consists in a single header file providing a minimal set of C++ classes and methods that can be used in your own sources, to load/save, process and display images. Very portable (Unix/X11,Windows, MacOS X, FreeBSD, .. ), efficient, easy to use, it's a pleasant library for developing image processing algorithms in C++.

Image Processing Books

I'm the co-author of two books (one in English, one in French) with my colleagues Christophe Tilmant and Vincent Barra, that teach how to write image processing algorithms in C++ with the help of the CImg Library.

During 300+ pages, we review the important concepts of the CImg Library and address a wide variety of applications in image processing (Filtering, Mathematical Morphology, Feature Extraction, Segmentation, Multispectral Approaches, 3D Visualization, etc.).
If you don't know what to give your children for Christmas, this is a great gift idea! ☺


Here are some presentation slides related to my research activities. They have been presented during national/international conferences or workshop. Click on a link below to open the corresponding presentation (in .pdf format).

G'MIC, à la croisée des chemins entre recherche algorithmique et création artistique

G'MIC, à la croisée des chemins entre recherche algorithmique et création artistique (in French)

Slides presented at the JSO CNRS'2023 (Journée Science Ouverte), Paris / France, November 2023.

Automatic Illumination of Flat-Colored Drawings By 3D Augmentation of 2D Silhouettes

Automatic Illumination of Flat-Colored Drawings By 3D Augmentation of 2D Silhouettes

Slides presented at the IEEE ICIP'2022 conference, Bordeaux / France, October 2022.
[Video of the talk]

From the Development of Open-Source Software to the Design of Algorithms for Artistic Production

From the Development of Open-Source Software to the Design of Algorithms for Artistic Production

Keynote presented at the CyberWorlds'2021 conference, Caen / France, September 2021.

Reconstruction of Smooth 3D Color Functions from Keypoints: Application to Lossy Compression of Color LUTs

Reconstruction of Smooth 3D Color Functions from Keypoints: Application to Lossy Compression of Color LUTs

Slides presented at the CAIP'2019 conference, Salerno / Italy, September 2019.

Image inpainting with a single-scale approach: From still images to stereoscopic videos

Image inpainting with a single-scale approach: From still images to stereoscopic videos

Slides presented at the Technicolor Workshop on Multimedia Inpainting, Rennes / France, April 2016.

Partial Differential Equations for Multi-Valued Image Regularization

Partial Differential Equations for Multi-Valued Image Regularization

Course on Diffusion PDE's - ENSICAEN 2013/2014.

Tensor-Directed Simulation of Strokes for Image Stylization with Hatching and Contours

Tensor-Directed Simulation of Strokes for Image Stylization with Hatching and Contours

Slides presented at the IEEE ICIP'2011 conference, Brussels / Belgium, September 2011.

Image Processing Algorithms for the Estimation of Local Diffusion Characteristics in Diffusion MRI

Image Processing Algorithms for the Estimation of Local Diffusion Characteristics in Diffusion MRI

Slides presented at the JIRNFI'2009 workshop, Caen / France, September 2009.

PDE's on the Space of Patches for Image Denoising and Registration

PDE's on the Space of Patches for Image Denoising and Registration

Slides presented at an internal seminar in IRISA, Rennes / France, April 2009.


Since 2004, I've supervised the work of PhD students, postdocs and master students.

Current Students
Clément Hardy
(October 2021 - September 2024, PhD thesis)

I'm co-supervising the PhD thesis of Clément, with Yvain Quéau, on 3D photography and video using multiple lightings.

Benjamin Samuth
(October 2021 - September 2024, PhD thesis)

I'm co-supervising the PhD thesis of Benjamin, with Julien Rabin, on the explainability of neural network for realistic image generation.

Former Students
Anaïs Gastineau
(February 2022 - April 2023, Post-doc)

I've co-supervised the post-doc of Anaïs, with Julien Rabin and Loïc Simon on the use of dictionnary learning methods for neural networks.

Thibault Durand
(September 2019 - March 2023, PhD thesis)

I've co-supervised the PhD thesis of Thibault, with Julien Rabin, on light and controlable architecture of neural networks for image super-resolution, deblurring and denoising.

Maxime Daisy
(October 2011 - December 2015, PhD thesis)

I've co-supervised with Olivier Lézoray the work of Maxime for his PhD thesis, on image inpainting methods to generate virtual stereoscopic points of view.
Maxime defended his PhD on 12/02/2015, and got the highest mention.

Pierre Buyssens
(October 2013 - October 2015, Post-doc)

I've co-supervised with Olivier Lézoray the work of Pierre during his two years postdoc, on inpainting methods for depth-maps.

Haz-Edine Assemlal
(October 2007 - January 2010, PhD thesis)

I've co-supervised with Luc Brun the work of Haz-Edine for his PhD thesis, on efficient and robust computation of PDF features from diffusion MR signal.
Haz-Edine defended his PhD on 01/11/2010, and got the highest mention.


Here is the complete list of my publications. Most of them can be downloaded in .pdf format.

Books / PhD and Habilitation Theses (5)
[B5]  Digital Image Processing With C++: Implementing Reference Algorithms With the CImg Library.
(D. Tschumperlé, C. Tilmant and V. Barra).
308 pages, Eds. Taylor & Francis, March 2023.
[B4]  Le traitement numérique des images en C++ - Implémentation d'algorithmes avec la bibliothèque CImg.
(D. Tschumperlé, C. Tilmant and V. Barra).
318 pages, Ellipses, Février 2021.
[B3]  Champs tensoriels pour la modélisation géométrique locale et non-locale des images et leurs applications.
(D. Tschumperlé).
Habilitation thesis from the University of Caen/France, 184 pages, October 2018.
[B2]  G'MIC : The Handbook.
(D. Tschumperlé).
"GREYC's Magic for Image Computing" Reference Manual, 660 pages, March 2012.
[B1]  PDE-Based Regularization of Multivalued Images and Applications.
(D. Tschumperlé).
PhD Thesis from the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis/France, 193 pages, December 2002.
(Awarded as the 2nd of the Best 2002-2003 PhD Thesis in the « Telecom Valley », also one of the 13 PhD Thesis selected for the ERCIM's Cor Baayen Award 2004 contest).
Book Chapters (5)
[BC5]  EDP de Diffusion Anisotrope pour la Régularisation d'Image Multi-Canaux : Formalismes et Applications.
(D. Tschumperlé).
in Imagerie Couleur Numérique : Avancées et Perspectives (C. Fernandez-Maloigne, L. Macaire, F. Robert-Inacio Eds), Hermes, 2011.
[BC4]  Non-Local Regularization and Registration of Multi-Valued Images by PDE's and Variational Methods on Higher Dimensional Spaces.
(D. Tschumperlé, L. Brun).
in Mathematical Image Processing, Springer, June 2011.
[BC3]  Anisotropic Diffusion PDE's for Image Regularization and Visualization.
(D. Tschumperlé).
Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Imaging, 1st Edition, Springer 2010, ISBN: 978-0-387-92920-0.
[BC2]  Anisotropic Diffusion Partial Differential Equations in Multi-Channel Image Processing : Framework and Applications.
(D. Tschumperlé, R. Deriche).
Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics (AIEP), Academic Press, 2007, ISBN: 978-0-12-373907-0.
[BC1]  Variational Approaches to the Estimation, Regularization and Segmentation of Diffusion Tensor Images.
(R. Deriche, D. Tschumperlé, C. Lenglet, M. Rousson).
Mathematical Models of Computer Vision: The Handbook (Paragios, Chen & Faugeras), Springer, 2005, ISBN: 0387263713.
Journals (13)
[J13]  Reconstruction of Smooth 3D Color Functions from Keypoints: Application to Lossy Compression and Exemplar-Based Generation of Color LUTs.
(D. Tschumperlé, C. Porquet, A. Mahboubi).
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (SIIMS), Vol. 13, Issue 3, 1511-1535, 26 pages, September 2020.
[J12]  imager: an R package for image processing based on CImg.
(S. Barthelmé, D. Tschumperlé).
The Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS), DOI: 10.21105/joss.01012, 2 pages, June 2019.
[J11]  Depth-guided disocclusion inpainting of synthesized RGB-D images.
(P. Buyssens, O. Le Meur, M. Daisy, D. Tschumperlé, O. Lézoray).
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. PP, No. 9, pp 1--1, 14 pages, October 2016.
[J10]  Exemplar-Based Inpainting: Technical Review and New Heuristics for Better Geometric Reconstructions.
(P. Buyssens, M. Daisy, D. Tschumperlé, O. Lézoray).
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 24, No. 6, pp 1809--1824, 15 pages, June 2015.
[J9]  Recent Advances in Diffusion MRI Modeling : Angular and Radial Reconstruction.
(H-E Assemlal, D. Tschumperlé, L. Brun, K. Siddiqi).
Journal of Medical Image Analysis, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 369--396, 28 pages, August 2011.
[J8]  Efficient and Robust Computation of PDF Features from Diffusion MR Signal.
(H-E Assemlal, D. Tschumperlé, L. Brun).
Journal of Medical Image Analysis, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 715--729, 16 pages, 2009, ISSN : 1361-8415.
[J7]  A Time-Consistent Video Segmentation Algorithm designed for Real-Time Implementation..
(M. Elhassani, S. Jehan-Besson, L. Brun, M. Revenu, M. Duranton, D. Tschumperlé, D. Rivasseau).
Journal of VLSI Design, Vol. 2008, 11 pages, 2008.
[J6]  Fast Anisotropic Smoothing of Multi-Valued Images using Curvature-Preserving PDE's.
(D. Tschumperlé).
International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 68, No. 1, pp. 65--82, 19 pages, 2006, ISSN : 0920-5691.
[J5]  Vector-Valued Image Regularization with PDE's : A Common Framework for Different Applications.
(D. Tschumperlé, R. Deriche).
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 506--517, 18 pages, 2005.
[J4]  Variational, Geometric and Statistical Methods for Modeling Brain Anatomy and Function.
(O. Faugeras, G. Adde, G. Charpiat, C. Chefd'hotel, M. Clerc, R. Deriche, G. Hermosillo, R. Keriven, P. Kornprobst, J. Kybic, C. Lenglet, L. Lopez-Perez, T. Papadopoulo, J-P. Pons, F. Segonne, B. Thirion, D. Tschumperlé, N. Wotawa).
NeuroImage, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 46--55, 10 pages, 2004.
[J3]  Manifold Constrained PDEs and Geometric Integration Methods in Image.
(C. Chefd'hotel, D. Tschumperlé, R. Deriche, O. Faugeras).
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Vol. 20, No. 1-2, pp. 147--162, 21 pages, 2004, ISSN : 0924-9907.
[J2]  Orthonormal Vector Sets Regularization with PDE's and Applications.
(D. Tschumperlé, R. Deriche).
International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 237--252, 16 pages, 2002, ISSN : 0920-5691.
[J1]  Diffusion PDE's on Vector-valued Images : Local Approach and Geometric Viewpoint.
(D. Tschumperlé, R. Deriche).
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 16--25, 11 pages, 2002, ISSN : 1053-5888.
International Conferences and Workshops (41)
[C41]  A Low Rank Gaussian Mixture Latent Model for Face Generation
(B. Samuth, J. Rabin, D. Tschumperlé, F. Jurie).
Accepted to the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'24), Kolkata/India, December 2024.
[C40]  LATENTPATCH: A Non-parametric Approach for Face Generation and Editing
(B. Samuth, J. Rabin, D. Tschumperlé, F. Jurie).
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'23), 5 pages, Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia, October 2023.
[C39]  MS-PS: A Multi-Scale Network for Photometric Stereo With a New Comprehensive Training Dataset.
(C. Hardy, Y. Quéau, D. Tschumperlé).
International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG'23), 10 pages, Pilsen/Czech Republic, May 2023.
[C38]  Automatic Illumination of Flat-Colored Drawings by 3D Augmentation of 2D Silhouettes
(D. Tschumperlé, C. Porquet, A. Mahboubi).
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'22), 5 pages, Grenoble/France, October 2022.
[C37]  Modular and Lightweight Networks for Bi-Scale Style Transfer.
(T. Durand, J. Rabin, D. Tschumperlé).
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'22), 5 pages, Grenoble/France, October 2022.
[C36]  A Patch-Based Approach for Artistic Style Transfer via Constrained Multi-Scale Image Matching
(B. Samuth, D. Tschumperlé, J. Rabin).
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'22), 5 pages, Grenoble/France, October 2022.
[C35]  Shallow Multi-Scale Network For Stylized Super-Resolution.
(T. Durand, J. Rabin, D. Tschumperlé).
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'21), 5 pages, Anchorage/Alaska, September 2021.
[C34]  3D Color CLUT Compression by Multi-Scale Anisotropic Diffusion
(D. Tschumperlé, C. Porquet, A. Mahboubi).
International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP'19), 12 pages, Salerno/Italy, September 2019.
[C33]  A Fast and Efficient Semi-guided Algorithm for Flat Coloring Line-arts.
(S. Fourey, D. Tschumperlé, D. Revoy).
EUROGRAPHICS International Symposium on Vision, Modeling and Visualization 2018, 9 pages, Stuttgart, October 2018.
[C32]  Exemplar-based Video Completion with Geometry-guided Space-time Patch Blending.
(M. Daisy, P. Buyssens, D. Tschumperlé, O. Lezoray).
SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Technical Briefs, 4 pages, Kobe, November 2015.
[C31]  Depth-Aware Patch-based Image Disocclusion for Virtual View Synthesis.
(P. Buyssens, M. Daisy, D. Tschumperlé, O. Lezoray).
SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Technical Briefs, 4 pages, Kobe, November 2015.
[C30]  Tensor-directed Spatial Patch Blending for Pattern-based Inpainting Methods
(M. Daisy, P. Buyssens, D. Tschumperlé, O. Lezoray).
International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP'15), 12 pages, Valletta/Malta, September 2015.
[C29]  Superpixel-based depth map inpainting for RGB-D view synthesis.
(P. Buyssens, M. Daisy, D. Tschumperlé, O. Lezoray).
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'15), 5 pages, Québec City/Canada, September 2015.
[C28]  A Smarter Examplar-based Inpainting Algorithm using Local and Global Heuristics for more Geometric Coherence.
(M. Daisy, P. Buyssens, D. Tschumperlé, O. Lezoray).
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'14), 5 pages, Paris/France, October 2014
(Selected in the top 10% papers of the conference).
[C27]  A Fast Spatial Patch Blending Algorithm for Artefact Reduction in Pattern-based Image Inpainting.
(M. Daisy, D. Tschumperlé, O. Lezoray).
SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 Technical Briefs, 4 pages, Hong-Kong, November 2013.
[C26]  Spatial patch blending for artefact reduction in pattern-based inpainting techniques.
(M. Daisy, D. Tschumperlé, O. Lezoray).
International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP'13), 8 pages, York/UK, August 2013.
[C25]  The CImg Library.
(D. Tschumperlé).
IPOL 2012 Meeting on Image Processing Libraries, 4 pages, Cachan/France, June 2012.
[C24]  Tensor-Directed Simulation of Strokes for Image Stylization with Hatching and Contours.
(D. Tschumperlé).
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'11), 4 pages, Brussel/Belgium, September 2011.
[C23]  Evaluation of q-Space Sampling Strategies for the Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
(H-E Assemlal, D. Tschumperlé, L. Brun).
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'09), 8 pages, London/England, September 2009.
[C22]  Non-Local Image Smoothing by Applying Anisotropic Diffusion PDE's in the Space of Patches.
(D. Tschumperlé, L. Brun).
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'09), 4 pages, Cairo/Egypt, November 2009.
[C21]  Efficient Computation of PDF-Based Characteristics from Diffusion MR Signal.
(H-E Assemlal, D. Tschumperlé, L. Brun).
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'08), 9 pages, New York/USA, September 2008.
[C20]  Robust Variational Estimation of PDF functions from Diffusion MR Signal.
(H-E Assemlal, D. Tschumperlé, L. Brun).
MICCAI Workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI (CDMRI'08), 12 pages, New York/USA, September 2008.
[C19]  Image Denoising and Registration by PDE's on the Space of Patches.
(D. Tschumperlé, L. Brun).
International Workshop on Local and Non-Local Approximation in Image Processing (LNLA'08), 8 pages, Lausanne/Switzerland, August 2008.
[C18]  Fiber Tracking on HARDI Data Using Robust ODF Fields.
(H-E Assemlal, D. Tschumperlé, L. Brun).
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'07), Vol. 3, pp. 133-136, 4 pages, San Antonio/USA, September 2007, ISSN : 1522-4880.
[C17]  Fast Time-Space Tracking of Smoothly Moving Fine Structures in Image Sequences.
(D. Tschumperlé, Y. Bentolila, J. Martinot, J. Fadili).
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'07), Vol. 6, pp. 317--320, 4 pages, San Antonio/USA, September 2007, ISSN : 1522-4880.
[C16]  A Time-Consistent Video Segmentation Algorithm designed for Real-Time Implementation.
(M. Elhassani, S. Jehan-Besson, L. Brun, M. Revenu, M. Duranton, D. Tschumperlé, D. Rivasseau, L. Brun).
IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS'06), pp. 636--639, 4 pages, Nice/France, December 2006, ISBN : 1-4244-0395-2.
[C15]  Wire Structure Pattern Extraction and Tracking From X-Ray Images of Composites Mechanisms.
(D. Tschumperlé, J. Fadili, Y. Bentolila).
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'06), Vol. 2, pp. 2461--2466, 6 pages, New York/USA, June 2006.
[C14]  Vectorization of a Statistical Segmentation Algorithm.
(M. Elhassani, S. Jehan-Besson, D. Tschumperlé, L. Brun, M. Revenu, D. Rivasseau, M. Duranton).
International Congress of Imaging Science (ICIS'06), pp. 321--324, 4 pages, Rochester/USA, May 2006, ISSN : 0-89208-260-7.
[C13]  Curvature-Preserving Regularization of Multi-Valued Images using PDE's.
(D. Tschumperlé).
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'06), LNCS Vol. 3952, pp. 295--307, 12 pages, Graz/Austria, May 2006, ISSN : 302-9743.
[C12]  Temporal Extension to Exemplar-based Inpainting Applied to Scratch Correction in Damaged Images Sequences.
(G. Forbin, B. Besserer, J. Boldys, D. Tschumperlé).
International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing (VIIP'05), 5 pages, Benidorm/Spain, September 2005.
[C11]  LIC-Based Regularization of Multi-Valued Images.
(D. Tschumperlé).
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'05), Vol. 3, pp. 533--536, 4 pages, Genoa/Italy, September 2005, ISBN : 0-7803-9134-9.
[C10]  High Quality Deinterlacing using Inpainting and Shutter-Model Directed Temporal Interpolation.
(D. Tschumperlé, B. Besserer).
International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics (ICCVG'04), pp. 301--307, 7 pages, Warsaw/Poland, September 2004, ISBN : 1402041780.
[C9]  DT-MRI Estimation, Regularization and Fiber Tractography.
(R. Deriche, D. Tschumperlé, C. Lenglet).
IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging : Nano to Macro (ISBI'04), Vol. 1, pp. 9--12, 4 pages, Arlington/USA, Avril 2004.
[C8]  Tensor Field Visualization with PDE's and Application to DT-MRI Fiber Visualization.
(D. Tschumperlé, R. Deriche).
IEEE Workshop on Variational and Level Set Methods (VLSM'03), 8 pages, Nice/France, October 2003.
[C7]  Variational Frameworks for DT-MRI Estimation, Regularization and Visualization.
(D. Tschumperlé, R. Deriche).
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'03), Vol. 1, pp. 116--124, 6 pages, Nice/France, October 2003.
[C6]  Vector-Valued Image Regularization with PDE's : A Common Framework for Different Applications.
(D. Tschumperlé, R. Deriche).
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'03), Vol. 1, pp. 651--659, 6 pages, Madison/USA, June 2003
(Awarded as the Best Student Paper).
[C5]  DT-MRI Images : Estimation, Regularization and Applications.
(D. Tschumperlé, R. Deriche).
International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory (EUROCAST'03), pp. 46--52, 12 pages, Las Palmas/Spain, January 2003.
[C4]  Constrained Flows of Matrix-Valued Functions : Application to Diffusion Tensor Regularization.
(C. Chefd'hotel, D. Tschumperlé, R. Deriche).
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'02), LNCS Vol. 2350, pp. 251--265, 15 pages, Copenhaguen/Denmark, June 2002, ISSN : 0302-9743.
[C3]  Diffusion Tensor Regularization with Constraints Preservation.
(D. Tschumperlé, R. Deriche).
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'01), pp. 948--953, 6 pages, Kauai/Hawaii, December 2001.
[C2]  Regularization of Orthonormal Vector Sets using Coupled PDE's.
(D. Tschumperlé, R. Deriche).
IEEE Workshop on Variational and Level Sets Methods (VLSM'01), 8 pages, Vancouver/Canada, July 2001
(Awarded as the Best Student Paper).
[C1]  Constrained and Unconstrained PDE's for Vector Image Restoration.
(D. Tschumperlé, R. Deriche).
Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA'01), 8 pages, Bergen/Norway, June 2001.
National (French) Conferences (28)
[NC28]  LATENTPATCH : Une approche non-paramétrique à la génération et l’édition de visages.
(B. Samuth, J. Rabin, D. Tschumperlé, F. Jurie).
Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI'23), 4 pages, Grenoble/France, Août 2023.
[NC27]  Transfert de style d'images par mise en correspondance multi-échelle et contrainte de patchs.
(B. Samuth, D. Tschumperlé, J. Rabin).
Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI'22), 4 pages, Nancy/France, September 2022.
[NC26]  Construction d'un jeu de données d'apprentissage adapté pour la reconstruction 3D par stéréophotométrie.
(C. Hardy, Y. Quéau, D. Tschumperlé).
Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI'22), 4 pages, Nancy/France, September 2022.
[NC25]  Réseaux de Neurones Légers et Modulaires pour le Transfert de Styles à Deux échelles.
(T. Durand, J. Rabin, D. Tschumperlé).
Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI'22), 4 pages, Nancy/France, September 2022.
[NC24]  Réseaux de Neurones Multi-Echelle pour la Super-Résolution Stylisée.
(T. Durand, J. Rabin, D. Tschumperlé).
18ème édition d'ORASIS, Journées francophones des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur, 8 pages, Saint-Ferréol/France, September 2021.
(Video of the talk).
[NC23]  Un algorithme de compression efficace de LUTs 3D couleur basé sur un schéma de diffusion anisotrope multi-échelle.
(D. Tschumperlé, A. Mahboubi, C. Porquet).
Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI'19), 4 pages, Lille/France, August 2019.
[NC22]  Un algorithme semi-guidé performant de colorisation en aplats pour le dessin au trait.
(S. Fourey, D. Tschumperlé, D. Revoy).
Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI'17), 4 pages, Juan-les-Pins/France, September 2017.
[NC21]  Désocclusion de cartes de profondeurs pour la synthèse de vues virtuelles.
(P. Buyssens, O. Le Meur, M. Daisy, D. Tschumperlé et O. Lézoray).
Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA'2016), 8 pages, Clermont-Ferrand/France, June 2016.
[NC20]  Désocclusion d'images basée patches pour la synthèse de vues virtuelles.
(P. Buyssens, M. Daisy, D. Tschumperlé, O. Lezoray).
Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA'2016), 9 pages, Clermont-Ferrand/France, June 2016.
[NC19]  Un Algorithme d'Inpainting par Motif Utilisant des Heuristiques Locales et Globales pour une Meilleure Cohérence Géométrique.
(M. Daisy, P. Buyssens, D. Tschumperlé, O. Lezoray).
Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI'15), 4 pages, Lyon/France, September 2015.
[NC18]  Restauration de cartes de profondeur basée sur les superpixels pour la synthèse de vue RGB-D.
(P. Buyssens, M. Daisy, D. Tschumperlé, O. Lezoray).
Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI'15), 4 pages, Lyon/France, September 2015.
[NC17]  Mélange Spatio-temporel de Patchs pour une Réduction d'Artefacts Préservant la Géométrie des Images et des Vidéos.
(M. Daisy, P. Buyssens, D. Tschumperlé, O. Lezoray).
Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI'15), 4 pages, Lyon/France, September 2015.
[NC16]  Un algorithme rapide de fondu spatial pour la réduction d'artefacts visuels des méthodes d'inpainting ``basés patch''.
(M. Daisy, D. Tschumperlé, O. Lezoray).
Colloque sur la Compression et Représentation des Signaux Audiovisuels (CORESA'13), 6 pages, Le Creusot/France, November 2013
(Awarded as the Junior Researcher Award of the conference).
[NC15]  Extension des pseudo-gris pour la visualisation d'images scalaires sur des périphériques d'affichage couleur à faible profondeur de bits.
(D. Tschumperlé, P. David, O. Lezoray).
Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI'13), 4 pages, Brest/France, September 2013.
[NC14]  Fondu spatial de patchs pour la réduction des artéfacts dans des méthodes génériques d'inpainting basé motifs.
(M. Daisy, D. Tschumperlé, O. Lezoray).
Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI'13), 4 pages, Brest/France, September 2013.
[NC13]  Stylisation d'image basée contours et hachures par simulation de tracés de traits à géométrie tensorielle.
(D. Tschumperlé).
Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI'11), 4 pages, Bordeaux/France, September 2011.
[NC12]  Evaluation de stratégies d'échantillonnages de l'espace Q pour l'imagerie par résonance magnétique de diffusion.
(H-E. Assemlal, D. Tschumperlé, L. Brun).
Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA'10), 8 pages, Caen/France, January 2010.
[NC11]  Estimation de caractéristiques quelconques de la PDF à partir d'un signal IRM de diffusion.
(H-E Assemlal, D. Tschumperlé, L. Brun).
Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI'09), 4 pages, Dijon/France, September 2009.
[NC10]  Lissage Non Local d'Images Multi-Valuées par Diffusion Anisotrope dans l'Espace des Patches.
(D. Tschumperlé, L. Brun).
Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI'09), 4 pages, Dijon/France, September 2009.
[NC9]  Estimation variationnelle robuste de modèles complexes de diffusion en IRM à haute résolution angulaire et tractographie.
(H-E Assemlal, D. Tschumperlé, L. Brun).
Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI'07), 4 pages, Troyes/France, September 2007.
[NC8]  Un algorithme robuste de segmentation vidéo pour des applications temps-réel.
(M. Elhassini, S. Jehan-Besson, D. Rivasseau, L. Brun, D. Tschumperlé, M. Revenu, M. Duranton).
Conférence sur la Compression et Représentation des Signaux Visuels (CORESA'06), 6 pages, Caen/France, November 2006.
[NC7]  Inpainting d'Images Couleurs par Lissage Anisotrope et Synthèse de Textures.
(V. Do, G. Lebrun, L. Malapert, C. Smet, D. Tschumperlé).
Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA'06), 8 pages, Tours/France, January 2006.
[NC6]  Régularisation d'Images Multi-valuées par Convolutions de Lignes Intégrales.
(D. Tschumperlé).
Traitement et Analyse de l'Information : Méthodes et Applications (TAIMA'05), 6 pages, Hammammet/Tunisie, September 2005.
[NC5]  Formalismes Variationnels pour l'Estimation, la Régularisation et la Visualisation d'Images IRMd.
(D. Tschumperlé, R. Deriche).
Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA'04), 8 pages, Toulouse/France, January 2004.
[NC4]  Régularisation d'Images Multivaluées par EDP : Un Formalisme Commun pour Différentes Applications.
(D. Tschumperlé, R. Deriche).
Traitement et Analyse de l'Information : Méthodes et Applications (TAIMA'03), 8 pages, Hammammet/Tunisie, October 2003.
[NC3]  EDP, Images Multivaluées, Contraintes et Applications.
(R. Deriche, D. Tschumperlé).
Le traitement d'images à l'aube du XXIeme siècle, Paris/France, March 2002.
[NC2]  Régularisation par EDP de Champs de Vecteurs Orthonormés et Applications.
(D. Tschumperlé, R. Deriche).
Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA'02), 10 pages, Angers/France, January 2002.
[NC1]  Restauration d'Images Vectorielles par EDP.
(D. Tschumperlé, R. Deriche).
Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA'00), 10 pages, Paris/France, February 2000.
Articles for the General Public (17)
[G18]  G'MIC 3.4.0: Image Processing in Its Prime!.
(D. Tschumperlé, G. Osgood).
HAL-04124661, 30 pages, June 2024.
[G17]  G'MIC 3.4.0 : Le traitement d'images à la fleur de l'âge.
(D. Tschumperlé).
Published on Linuxfr : [url], 28 pages, June 2024.
[G16]  G'MIC 3.2.5: 15 Years of Development for Open and Reproducible Image Processing.
(D. Tschumperlé, Prawnsushi, G. Osgood).
HAL-04124661, 34 pages, June 2023.
[G15]  G'MIC 3.2.5 : 15 ans de développement pour du traitement d'images libre et reproductible.
(D. Tschumperlé).
Published on Linuxfr : [url], 43 pages, May 2023.
[G14]  G'MIC 3.0: A Third Dose to Process Your Images!
(D. Tschumperlé).
Published on G'MIC website : [url], 36 pages, December 2021.
[G13]  Sortie de G'MIC 3.0 : Une troisième dose pour un traitement efficace de vos images !
(D. Tschumperlé).
Published on Linuxfr : [url], 45 pages, December 2021.
[G12]  G'MIC 2.7 - Process Your Images with Style!
(D. Tschumperlé).
Published on Pixls.Us : [url], 35 pages, September 2019.
[G11]  G'MIC 2.7.0 : Une rentrée pleine de style pour le traitement d'images !
(D. Tschumperlé).
Published on Linuxfr : [url], 25 pages, August 2019.
[G10]  G'MIC 2.3.6: 10 Years of Open Source Image Processing!
(D. Tschumperlé).
Published on Pixls.Us : [url], 32 pages, August 2018.
[G9]  G'MIC 2.3.4 : Traiter ses images, en se disant « déjà 10 ans ! »
(D. Tschumperlé).
Published on Linuxfr : [url], 17 pages, August 2018.
[G8]  G'MIC : 2.2, v'là les filtres !
(D. Tschumperlé).
Published on Linuxfr : [url], 26 pages, February 2018.
[G7]  G'MIC 2.0 : Un second souffle pour le traitement d'images libre.
(D. Tschumperlé).
Published on Linuxfr : [url], 21 pages, June 2017.
[G6]  G'MIC 1.7.1 : Quand les fleurs bourgeonnent, les filtres d'images foisonnent.
(D. Tschumperlé).
Published on Linuxfr : [url], 23 pages, May 2016.
[G5]  G'MIC 1.6.8 : C'est déjà Noël pour les traiteurs d'images !
(D. Tschumperlé).
Published on Linuxfr : [url], 25 pages, December 2015.
[G4]  G'MIC : Colorisation de BD, transfert de couleurs, aide au détourage et autres réjouissances.
(D. Tschumperlé).
Published on Linuxfr : [url], 21 pages, April 2015.
[G3]  G'MIC : Poisson Blending, Seamcarving, OpenMP, et autres joyeusetés !
(D. Tschumperlé).
Published on Linuxfr : [url], 13 pages, June 2014.
[G2]  G'MIC : Quelques avancées supplémentaires pour le traitement d'image libre.
(D. Tschumperlé).
Published on Linuxfr : [url], 12 pages, February 2013.
[G1]  Traitement d'images : Sortie de G'MIC
(D. Tschumperlé).
Published on Linuxfr : [url], 5 pages, March 2013.
Preprints and Research Reports (13)
[R13]  Uni MS-PS: a Multi-Scale Encoder Decoder Transformer for Universal Photometric Stereo.
(C. Hardy, Y. Quéau, D. Tschumperlé).
Preprint HAL-04431103, 17 pages, Caen/France, February 2024.
[R12]  G'MIC: An Open-Source Self-Extending Framework for Image Processing.
(D. Tschumperlé, S. Fourey, G. Osgood).
Preprint HAL-04405020, 22 pages, Caen/France, January 2024.
[R11]  Lightweight Multi-Scale Network for Stylized and Controlled Image Restoration.
(T. Durand, J. Rabin, D. Tschumperlé).
Preprint HAL-03987790, 13 pages, Caen/France, 2023.
[R10]  MS-PS: a multi-scale photometric stereo network with a new training database.
(C. Hardy, Y. Quéau, D. Tschumperlé).
Preprint HAL-03863690, 11 pages, Caen/France, November 2022.
[R9]  Shallow Multi-Scale Network for Stylized Super-Resolution.
(T. Durand, J. Rabin, D. Tschumperlé).
Preprint HAL-03146958, 8 pages, Caen/France, March 2021.
[R8]  An Efficient 3D Color LUT Compression Algorithm Based on a Multi-Scale Anisotropic Diffusion Scheme.
(D. Tschumperlé, C. Porquet, A. Mahboubi).
Preprint HAL-02066484, 7 pages, Caen/France, March 2019.
[R7]  Un algorithme semi-guidé performant de colorisation en aplats pour le dessin au trait.
(S. Fourey, D. Tschumperlé, D. Revoy).
Preprint HAL-01490269, 11 pages, Caen/France, June 2017.
[R6]  Un modèle tensoriel pour le guidage d'inpainting basé patch.
(S. Macao, D. Tschumperlé).
Research Report : ``Les cahiers du GREYC'', No. 13-01, 23 pages, Caen/France, January 2013.
[R5]  Defining Some Variational Methods on the Space of Patches : Application to Multi-Valued Image Denoising and Registration.
(D. Tschumperlé, L. Brun).
Research Report : ``Les cahiers du GREYC'', No. 08-01, 12 pages, Caen/France, February 2008.
[R4]  A Variational Framework for the Robust Estimation of ODFs From High Angular Resolution Diffusion Images.
(H-E Assemlal, D. Tschumperlé, L. Brun).
Research Report : ``Les cahiers du GREYC'', No. 07-01, 17 pages, Caen/France, April 2007.
[R3]  Fast Anisotropic Smoothing of Multi-Valued Images using Curvature-Preserving PDE's.
(D. Tschumperlé).
Research Report : ``Les cahiers du GREYC'', No. 05-01, 20 pages, Caen/France, January 2005.
[R2]  Variational, Geometric and Statistical Methods for Modeling Brain Anatomy and Function.
(O. Faugeras, G. Adde, G. Charpiat, C. Chefd'hotel, M. Clerc, R. Deriche, G. Hermosillo, R. Keriven, P. Kornprobst, J. Kybic, C. Lenglet, L. Lopez-Perez, T. Papadopoulo, J-P. Pons, F. Segonne, B. Thirion, D. Tschumperlé, N. Wotawa).
INRIA Research Report No. RR-5202, 25 pages, Sophia-Antipolis/France, May 2004.
[R1]  Vector-Valued Image Regularization with PDE's : A Common Framework for Different Applications.
(D. Tschumperlé, R. Deriche).
INRIA Research Report No. RR-4657, 36 pages, Sophia-Antipolis/France, December 2002.

Contact  📩

  • Address: GREYC (UMR-CNRS 6072), IMAGE team, 6 Bd du Maréchal Juin, CS 45053, 14050 CAEN cedex 4 / France.
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